Sunday, March 23, 2014

Weekend Freeze

Seeing snow and low temperatures in the forecast can be scary when you live in a tent... That's why I choose not to look at the weekly weather reports. 

I have found if it's going to be bad or dangerous, others will be talking about it or telling you about it pretty quickly and then asking if you really are going to stay in the tent through the storm. My first thought when I hear bad weather is moving in is, "Well, that sounds like good product testing weather!" :)

So far the weather has been great for testing products and testing myself. I'm a skinny distance runner that hates cold and I figure if what I'm using works well for me... Hey! It should work really well for everyone else. I'll give some more product highlights in upcoming posts to show what's been keeping me so toasty on these cold nights. 

Last night I took advantage of the cold and snow and decided to make tenting look cozy by sizzling up some tacos on the stove, curling up by the fire, and watching Captain Phillips on my iPad. 

Doesn't look so bad does it? 

It got down to 9 degrees last night but man when it gets that cold, it seems to make the night sky that much clearer! I stood outside my tent for a bit before bed and just couldn't take my eyes off the stars and how close they seemed to be! Those are precious moments worth taking advantage of. 

One of these nights I'm abandoning the tent and just sleeping underneath the open sky to really get the best seat out of the house... I'll worry about the frostbite later ;)

This morning before church I found my half full Coke bottle from the night before frozen at a perfect slushy consistency - And although I don't drink pop before noon and I'm trying to cut it out all together in preparation for a marathon in 12 weeks, I couldn't say no!

Ah! It was the most refreshing Coke I've ever had at 20 degrees 9 AM on a Sunday morning haha! Don't ask me why it wasn't rock hard frozen but it was awesome! God said let there be perfect slushy Coke and I said thank you! Good way to start my Sunday praising God before church. 

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